PDH Engineer     PE PDH
PDH Online

Dear North Carolina Engineers and Land Surveyors!

Thank you for using our website for your continuing education courses.
North Carolina Board of engineers and land surveyors has made it mandatory for the sponsors to ask the attendees to take the Sponsor Evaluation form. (21 NCAC 56.1713 (b) (6)]
We have been asked to retain the form and keep it in case there is an audit by the Board.
We have made the process as easy and as user friendly as we could for you to take the survey.


All the surveys will be kept for the attendees should the Board decide to do an audit and contact us.

With Kind regards,
Franco F. Davati, P.E.
Failure & Damage Analysis, Inc.
170 Century Square Dr, Suite 448
College Station, Texas
Tel: 713-787-6810
Email: fdapdh@gmail.com